Tim Cook at Apple BKC in Mumbai, India, last year. (File photo)The two Apple stores in India have clocked monthly average sales of Rs 16-17 crore each consistently since their launchApple’s two store in India — one each in Delhi and Mumbai — have generated an impressive revenue of Rs 190-210 crore in the previous financial year 2023-24. The overwhelming revenue has put the stores among the top-performing retail stores of Apple worldwide, according to an ET report.According to the ET report citing an industry insider, “The two Apple stores have clocked monthly average sales of Rs 16-17 crore each consistently since their launch. The Mumbai store revenue has been a little higher than the Delhi one due to a larger size.”The person, according to the report, also said it has met Apple’s expectations, matching some of the best-performing store launches and they are now aggressively scouting space for the next three company-owned stores.Apple opened its two stores in India last year — Apple BKC (Mumbai) and Apple Saket (Delhi). Apple CEO Tim Cook was also present at the opening of the store and interacted with some visitors.The ET report, citing another executive familiar with the matter, said, “Apple will not be happy will just two stores in a market like India. Of course, there are plans to expand. It is a question of when, not if.”Mohammad HarisHaris is Deputy News Editor (Business) at news18.com. He writes on various issues related to markets, economy and companies. Having a decade of experi…Read More

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