Meghan Markle’s friend blocking spree gets slammed for ‘strategic’ ploysMeghan Markle has just been called out for seemingly hanging her old friends out to dry, right after she’s done with them.Observations and the supporting allegations have been shared by royal commentator and expert Charlotte Griffiths.She weighed in on things during one of her most recent interviews with the Mail on Sunday and went as far as to call the Duchess rather ‘strategic’ in her relationships. According to Ms Griffiths, “[She’s unfriended] family members, suits co-stars, her best friend Jessica Mulroney whose children were page boys at the royal wedding.”“For somebody who is actually famous for unfriending her friends or casting aside her friends, it’s amazing that she cited the word friendship in the blurb for this documentary that’s sort of been leaked out,” the expert also added. All in all Ms Griffiths admits, “I think she’s a bit strategic with her friends and once she’s finished with them, she casts them aside and forgets all about them, deletes their number and blocks their number in some cases.”

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