The Force was certainly with this ship.

A video of a German warship blasting Darth Vader’s theme song in the “Star Wars” movie franchise went viral this week. 

The vessel, named the Braunschweig, was traveling on London’s River Thames for training and a supply stop, when it was captured playing “The Imperial March,” the iconic tune first heard in 1980’s “The Empire Strikes Back.”

A German warship blasting “The Imperial March,” Darth Vader’s theme song in the “Star Wars” movies, went viral this week.  Fraser Gray/Shutterstock

The ship’s commander “is a big ‘Star Wars’ fan and an admirer of the legendary musical scores of John Williams,” the German embassy said in a statement, according to ABC News.

“He chooses a different Williams tune whenever his ship is visiting a foreign harbor.”

The German Navy added in a statement Thursday, “The commander can choose the music freely. The choice of music has no deeper message.”

BBC London posted the video on its Instagram page, with the caption, “So, this happened on the Thames 😂… Sound on.”

Commenters seemed to indulge in the fun.

“The Imperial March” was first heard in the 1980’s sci-fi blockbuster “The Empire Strikes Back.” AP

“Whoever said the Germans don’t have any humor have to withdraw that statement 😂😂 this is brilliant!” replied @rosanth007.

“Humor at its finest,” added @easthameastham.

In another video taken of the ship in London, it was playing the hit 1979 song “London Calling” from the British rock band The Clash.

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