A real estate agent was left unsettled after she stumbled upon an eerie dungeon-like room hidden behind a bedroom closet door in a Florida home that had recently been put up for sale.

Jessica Law shared the spine-shivering find on TikTok, explaining to her followers that she’s never found anything like the room in her more than 10 years in real estate.

“I opened up to what I thought was a closet door in the bedroom at the back of the house, and this door was in the next section,” Law said, showing a thick iron door with stairs leading down to a sinister-looking narrow hallway.

The real estate agent noted that the house was built in 1958, but the hidden room was seemingly installed well past that date.

“I would assume that they did this somewhat more recently,” she said.

Law begins to descend down the staircase, telling viewers that it’s “funky” to find any sort of basement in Florida and that it’s “not typical.”

“There is electricity, water, and a dehumidifier set up down there,” Law says as she reaches the lower level. “It is set up to house living things.”

As she turned the corner, a frayed patterned rug lay in the center of the windowless, white cinder-blocked room, and a red beanbag-looking chair was tucked away in the corner.

The TikTok, which has already amassed nearly a million views and over 23k likes since being posted on Thursday, garnered some ominous reactions about the dungeon-like room in the comment section.

Jessica Law stumbled upon the eerie dungeon-like room hidden behind a bedroom closet door in a Florida home that had recently been put up for sale. TikTok/@jessicadlaw

“Maybe reach out to the police and ask if there are any missing persons or cold cases around that area…??” One user suggested.

“A feeling of dread and doom came over me while watching this,” wrote another.

“Looks like something from Criminal Minds. I’d call CSI,” one user observed.

While many seemed disturbed by the video, others were more sensible about why the room was in the house.

Law begins to descend down the staircase, telling viewers that it’s “funky” to find any sort of basement in Florida and that it’s “not typical.” TikTok/@jessicadlaw

“That 90° turn into the shelter and depth suggests a fallout shelter. but it seems the air filtration system was removed,” one TikTok user pointed out.

“Just a storm shelter. Look at side of door handle is on,” explained another — to which Law responded back that the “iron cage door” seems out of place for it to be just a storm shelter.

“Nuke bunker cause door latch is on inside, also wrap around concrete walls help against initial radiation exposure (can’t go around corners). we have one in our basement (sans security door),” explained another.

Law shared the spine-shivering find on TikTok, explaining to her followers that she’s never found anything like the room in her years in real estate. TikTok/@jessicadlaw

The room is just the newest bizarre find that TikTok users have recently shared on the platform.

In January, a Kansas City family found a dungeon-like room behind a door in the basement of the Chicago Airbnb they were shacking up in.

The TikTok said she found “wooden doors with locks on” and “chains on the ground” in some areas, and she also noticed another wooden door that “goes even further down” into the bowels of the building.

In February, a British mom unearthed what appeared to be a World War ll underground bomb shelter after she lifted a piece of stone in her backyard and exposed the entrance.

The video of the suspected bunker shows a 160-foot passageway littered with debris, rat traps, bottles, and bowls.

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