What would you think if I told you that there is technology available today that could make you vanish? It’s true. Thanks to optical engineering, it’s possible to become invisible to the naked eye. This isn’t just a fantasy. It’s a reality crafted by the U.K.’s Invisibility Shield Co., which has introduced the impressive Invisibility Shield. This 6-foot-tall shield offers a new dimension to the concept of invisibility.CLICK TO GET KURT’S FREE CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH SECURITY ALERTS, QUICK VIDEO TIPS, TECH REVIEWS AND EASY HOW-TO’S TO MAKE YOU SMARTER Invisibility Shield. (Invisibility Shield Co.)The science of the vanishing technologyAt the heart of this technology lies a precision-engineered lens array. Picture this: You’re standing behind the shield, and instead of being a conspicuous figure, the light reflecting off you is cleverly redirected.This array, composed of vertically oriented lenses, scatters the light horizontally, causing your image to dissolve into the backdrop. It’s like a magic trick, where the magician vanishes not with a puff of smoke but with a whisper of light. The Invisibility Shield. (Invisibility Shield Co.)Invisibility shield dimensionsSmall Shield: 7.9 inches x 12 inchesStandard Shield: 2-feet-3 inches x 3-feet-3 inches A man stands behind the Invisibility Shield. (Invisibility Shield Co.)MORE: BALANCING THE PROMISE OF NEW VR TECH’S X-RAY VISION WITH PRIVACY CONCERNS A closer look at the optical engineering of the invisibility shieldNow, let’s delve deeper into the science. The lenses are not just any lenses; they are elongated, convex lenses meticulously embossed onto a polymer sheet. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill magnifying glasses; they are the result of rigorous testing and fine-tuning — shaped to perfection to manipulate light just right.But what about the backdrop? Ah, that’s where the magic amplifies. The background light, brighter and broader, passes through the shield and gets refracted towards the observer. From their point of view, it’s as if the background itself has stretched out, masking your presence.EARTH DAY WAS FOUNDED OVER 50 YEARS AGO, PUTTING A HEIGHTENED FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT EVER SINCE A man stands behind the Invisibility Shield on a beach. (Invisibility Shield Co.)MORE: THIS MIND-READING TECH USING AI CAN CONVERT BRAIN ACTIVITY INTO TEXTThe versatility of the invisibility shieldThe shields aren’t just a one-trick pony, though. They excel against a variety of backdrops — be it the lush green foliage, the rough texture of sand or even the smooth expanse of the sky. And for those who appreciate the finer details, the shields work wonders against horizontal lines, whether painted by nature’s brush or the human hand. A man disappears behind the Invisibility Shield. (Invisibility Shield Co.)MORE: HOW STORES ARE SPYING ON YOU USING CREEPY FACIAL RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY WITHOUT YOUR CONSENTDurable design, but not a defenseBut let’s not forget, these shields are not armor. They won’t protect you from harm, but will make you virtually invisible. And they’re built to last, with materials that withstand the elements and the test of time. A person partially disappears behind the Invisibility Shield. (Invisibility Shield Co.)Who is purchasing the invisibility shield?The company tells us that “generally, we find customers who have previously ordered a small version just like to play around with hiding items on their desks and experiment with the material.”With respect to the large models, our shields have been used for all sorts of things: paintball, stalking wildlife, pranks, stage magic, making ‘invisibility windows’ and interior screening in apartments.”GET FOX BUSINESS ON THE GO BY CLICKING HEREHow can I order an Invisibility shield?You will be able to pre-order a shield for $870 via a Kickstarter campaign. A less expensive, smaller version, measuring 7.9 inches in height, is available for $67. This will help fund the first large production run of the new shields. The company tells us the Kickstarter campaign exceeded the initial goal of around $12,600 by almost 10 times, which would be close to $125,000.Kurt’s key takeawaysThe Invisibility Shield Co.’s creation takes us a step closer to the stuff of daydreams, allowing us to vanish on a whim. With the support of a thriving Kickstarter initiative, this piece of tech could one day reshape our interaction with the visible world. It’s a leap into a future where being unseen is just a matter of choice, a shield’s width away.CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPHow would you use this device to disappear? Let us know by writing us at Cyberguy.com/ContactFor more of my tech tips & security alerts, subscribe to my free CyberGuy Report Newsletter by heading to Cyberguy.com/NewsletterAsk Kurt a question or let us know what stories you’d like us to cover.Answers to the most-asked CyberGuy questions:Copyright 2024 CyberGuy.com. All rights reserved. Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson is an award-winning tech journalist who has a deep love of technology, gear and gadgets that make life better with his contributions for Fox News & FOX Business beginning mornings on “FOX & Friends.” Got a tech question? Get Kurt’s free CyberGuy Newsletter, share your voice, a story idea or comment at CyberGuy.com.

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