The NFL’s time as the #1 sport in America is officially OVER. I can’t get enough of these clips. Confession, I discovered this game / sport in the same way Christopher Columbus landed in the Bahamas and claimed he discovered the New World. My uncultured midwest ass just found out about it, so I am going to claim it as brand new. This game is Carrom, and it originated in India. After World War I, the game started popping off internationally. The trenches must have been buzzin’ back in 1914. For the first time finding out what a machine gun is while going over No Man’s Land, only to survive and play the game of the future with the boys. Carrom is a combination of pool, air hockey, and that sandy shuffle board game you find in the back of bars. You each get assigned a color chip you have to knock in and this games version of the 8 ball, the queen, is on the table for more points. The game looks … easy? But, I feel like the guys in these clips are the Michael Jordans of Carrom, and are making these difficult trick shots look simple. The gameplay looks fun, but the camaraderie is what sells me. Crowding around the table, drinking beers in a smokey back room with all your friends is an ideal night. AND, the boys can gather around and play this till they’re 94 years old. Nothing worse than getting an injury that affects your adult life while trying to relieve the glory days. But, not a problem with Carrom. Unfortunately, this might be like the episode of Mad Men where the kid comes into the advertising agency talking about the awesomeness of Jai Alai, and how it’s the sport of the future. Meanwhile, everyone knows it sucks ass and Don Draper’s firm takes the kids money because he’s a rich idiot. BUT, Carrom will be different. I know it. Right now Erika’s old office is being turned into a music recording studio. Fuck that. We put a Carrom table in there and get Draft Kings on board – we’ve got ourselves a legit league. I don’t think it will work, I know it will. Then again, I don’t see how Jai Alai isn’t one of the big 4 sports in America. P.S. Old school Jackass was special. It’s still hilarious, even with all the shit out there that YouTubers do these days. After rewatching the first Jackass movie not too long ago, it’s crazy how much Jackass shaped my teenage years both comedy wise and doing stupid shit with the friend group. Might have to give the movies another rewatch.

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