Climbing stairs reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.The study claims that climbing stairs reduces the risk of premature death as every muscle comes into action when a person climbs the staircase.Many people dream of living for a hundred years but very few can achieve this. While some manage to live till the age of 100, people often suffer from various health issues. For living longer, it is very important to keep organs like the heart, kidneys and liver healthy. To attain this, it is very important to do daily workouts and maintain a proper diet.A new research claims that if a person climbs stairs daily the lifespan of that person increases. There is a scientific reason behind this. The study claims that climbing stairs reduces the risk of premature death as every muscle comes into action when a person climbs the staircase.According to the research, the age of a person who climbs stairs regularly may live for more than 14 years. Researchers studied the health data of around 5 lakh people to see who live longer people who do regular workouts or people who climb stairs regularly. According to a report by Daily Mail, people who climb staircases regularly have a 39 per cent lesser risk of dying due to cardiovascular diseases. Climbing stairs every day also reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. It is believed that this is the reason people’s age gets increased by around 14 years. The study also stated that climbing stairs every day decreases the risk of various other diseases that can be fatal for a human being.People nowadays don’t use stairs with the advent of elevators and escalators and then sit in one place due to work. Due to this practice, they often don’t do physical activity which can attract various types of illnesses. Professor Sophie Paddock of the University of East Anglia mentioned that if there option for stairs and lifts a person should always choose stairs as it helps to stay fit and healthy. She also stated that if someone has to climb to a very high floor a person should at least climb four to five floors to stay fit. Lifestyle DeskOur life needs a bit of style to get the perfect zing in the daily routine. News18 Lifestyle is one-stop destination for everything you need to know a…Read More

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