Online food delivery platform Zomato has received a tax demand and penalty order of Rs 11.82 crore related to GST on export services provided to its subsidiaries located outside India from July 2017 to March 2021. The order was passed by the Additional Commissioner, Central Goods and Services Tax, Gurugram, raising the GST demand of Rs 5,90,94,889, with applicable interest (not quantified) and penalty of Rs 5,90,94,889.“We believe that we have a strong case on merits, and the company will be filing an appeal against the order before the appropriate authority,” Zomato stated in a regulatory filing late evening on Friday. It informed that the demand order has been received, “confirming demand of GST on export services provided by the company to its subsidiaries located outside India during the period July 2017 to March 2021 by upholding that such services do not fulfil the conditions for the supply to qualify as export of service under GST”.“The company, in its response to the show cause notice, had clarified on the allegations, along with supporting documents and judicial precedents, which appears not to have been appreciated by the authorities while passing the order,” it added.(This story has not been edited by News18 staff and is published from a syndicated news agency feed – PTI)Mohammad HarisHaris is Deputy News Editor (Business) at He writes on various issues related to markets, economy and companies. Having a decade of experi…Read More

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