The Yale Network for Global Non-Communicable Diseases (NGN, pronounced “engine”) is a group of committed faculty from the Schools of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing whose research, clinical practice, advocacy efforts, and teaching are focused on addressing non-communicable diseases both locally and globally. One of the primary goals of NGN is to catalyze opportunities for peer mentorship and collaboration among members. In this spirit, NGN organized its first Pitchfest on Monday, April 22, 2024. The theme of this inaugural event was multi-project funding mechanisms, and opened with a general overview of P01 program projects grants, P30 center core grants, and U19 cooperative agreements. This was followed by a series of project pitches presented by NGN members, showcasing innovative ideas aimed at addressing pressing NCD challenges in different regions of the world. This event culminated with a luncheon discussion where NGN members outlined potential synergies between proposals and strategies for advancing project ideas and promoting the goals of NGN as a network. Overall, the event showcased the innovative spirit and commitment of NGN members to addressing global health challenges through collaborative research and funding initiatives.Submitted by Alyssa Cruz on May 13, 2024

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