Trump immunity hearing: Supreme Court pushes ex-president’s lawyer on limits of immunity – BBC News

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SummaryThe US Supreme Court is hearing arguments on whether a former president is immune from criminal prosecution over acts carried out while in officeYou can listen to the proceedings live, and see who is speaking, by clicking ‘Play’ at the top of this pageDonald Trump. who is facing dozens of criminal charges across four cases, claims he – and all presidents – should have presidential immunityHis lawyer is pushed by several justices on the limits of immunity, and asked if a hypothetical coup or bribe would count as an official actJustices also grill the prosecution lawyer, asking if failing to grant some form of immunity might open presidents up to bad faith prosecutionsTrump’s trial on charges he tried to overturn the 2020 election is on hold while the Supreme Court considers his immunity claimThe justices are hearing arguments on Thursday, but could take several weeks to reach a decision which could set a precedent for future presidentsLive ReportingRelated Stories

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