These are some extreme measures.

Private investigator Leon Hart, from UK-based InTime Investigations Ltd, has busted more than 5,000 two-timers who prove the lengths cheaters go through to knock their socks off.

As a managing director of the company, Hart oversees 250 detectives worldwide, who use GPS, listening devices and other surveillance technologies to track down targets, with evidence used to collect reports, according to The Mirror.

With 15 years on the job, Hart has revealed the five craziest things cheaters do to hide their infidelity.

Live a double life

Deceitful spouses want to have their Kate and Edith, too, even if that means living a double life with two families in opposing homes.

“A man was suspected of cheating on his wife of 50 years; they had three children and seven grandchildren,” Hart told The Mirror. “After utilizing surveillance, we identified that he was living at another address with a female in the exact same village as his wife.”

Once detective Hart shared his discovery with the suspect’s wife, she confronted him — and the cheater confessed to living a double life for nearly as long as he had been married to his wife of five decades.

He also admitted to having a family with the mistress, with whom he fathered two children and had three grandchildren.

Business trips

Another fellow decided to keep his affairs far from home — even if that required him to hop on a plane to see his lovers.

The London detective unveiled how a wicked geezer struggled to maintain one relationship, so he developed three others who were unaware of each other.

“A wife suspected her wealthy husband of infidelity, as he would disappear on ‘business’ for a few days every week. The husband owned a small aircraft and also had a pilot’s license,” Hart shared.

One man lived a double life having several families on different islands. baranq –

The cheater was flying from island to island to get what he considered “work” done.

“He was found to be having an affair with three different families at once, all scattered around the nearby islands, alternating between the families equally for many years” the detective added.

Cellphone location service

Meanwhile, some adulterers prefer working smarter, not harder.

Detective Hart recalled a scenario where a grimy husband used his cellphone location services to his benefit.

“We once had a target that would park at his local golf course, put his phone in a plastic bag and place it discreetly in a nearby bush,” he said.

Since the cellphone location shows the man on the golf course all day, he could gallivant to nearby hotels and meet his mistress without sending off any suspicions.

Another cheater abandoned his phone in a bush at a golf course so his wife couldn’t track his whereabouts. dusanpetkovic1 –

Wearing disguises

However, there are cheaters who enjoy living in mischief under a disguise, whether it’s a name change, hairstyle, wardrobe or eyewear.

A survey conducted by Illiciten Counters, a marriage dating site, polled 2,000 participants, revealing 42% had even experimented with disguises, including 8% who had dressed up as the opposite sex.

Fake a family member’s death

Some people take their infidelity to the extreme, claiming a relative died so they have an excuse to escape to their mistress. LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS –

Cheaters, desperate for pleasure outside of their homes, would prefer to off a family member to have an excuse to be promiscuous.

Illiciten Counters poll results stated that 38% of cheaters have lied about a family death to hide their infidelity.

As previously reported by The Post, an expert in detecting deceitful behavior in relationships revealed some ways to spot if your partner is cheating on you.

Private investigator Charlotte Notley from Norwich, England, advises clients to listen to their gut feeling, watch their partner’s internet usage and do surprise visits to work.

“You know your partner the best, so if something feels off, then it probably is,” the PI told NeedToKnow. “Most clients who come to us know there is something not right and they usually are correct.”

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