GeoComply’s role in Iowa’s sports betting probe, explainedA look at GeoComply’s working relationship with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation during gambling investigation involving Iowa and Iowa State athletes.Twenty-five former University of Iowa and Iowa State athletes and a former community college player sued state law enforcement leaders Friday, accusing investigators of illegally inspecting their cellphone use in a high-profile sports betting probe.In a federal lawsuit, attorneys for the athletes said Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation agents violated their constitutional rights by failing to get warrants before using software to check whether people opened betting apps inside university athletic buildings.The software, named Kibana, revealed the DraftKings and FanDuel account numbers that people used inside the buildings. Based on that information, agents obtained warrants that required the sportsbooks to reveal the registered users for those accounts, as well as their betting activity.More: ‘Fox watching the henhouse’: Is Iowa’s sports betting law too weak to prevent abuse?Prosecutors charged 26 athletes with underage gambling or identify theft, based on evidence they used accounts registered to their parents and friends.In Friday’s lawsuit, the athletes’ attorneys contend that the Fourth and 14th amendments to the U.S. Constitution prohibit police from using Kibana without a warrant. The athletes have sued the state, the Iowa Department of Public Safety, the DCI and several agency officials.”Due to DCI’s actions and/or failures to legally investigate the plaintiffs, the plaintiffs were all indicted and some were convicted, severely upending their lives, collegiate careers and future opportunities,” wrote the lawyers, Matt Boles and Van Plumb, in the filing in the Southern District of Iowa.Previously: Iowa lawmakers fret about privacy rights after allegations against sports betting probeThe 26 plaintiffs include former Iowa State quarterback Hunter Dekkers, Iowa defensive lineman Noah Shannon and Iowa State defensive end Eyioma Uwazurike, whom the Denver Bronco drafted in 2022.The NFL suspended Uwazurike last year following news of the investigation, which revealed that he bet on Iowa State and Broncos games while a member of both teams.Other plaintiffs include basketball players, baseball players and wrestlers. Some of the plaintiffs did not face criminal charges as a result of the probe, but the NCAA suspended all of them for at least one season.The Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission stated last August that the investigation did not reveal evidence of point shaving, a practice in which athletes alter their performances to influence the outcome of bets.Lawsuits claim investigators misled playersIn addition to accusing the DCI of illegally using bet-tracking software, the players’ attorneys said several agents misled athletes during the investigation.In previous criminal court filings, the lawyers said DCI Special Agent Mark Ludwick testified that he had been misled about the nature of the investigation. Ludwick allegedly said a DCI supervisor informed him that the investigators were probing whether sportsbooks were abiding by Iowa laws, which require the books to prevent athletes from betting on their games.In turn, Ludwick allegedly testified, he told Iowa State defensive lineman Isaiah Lee during an interview that Lee was not under investigation. Prosecutors later charged Lee with identity theft.In Friday’s lawsuit, the players’ lawyers said other investigators misled players.”Multiple DCI agents told Plaintiffs they were not the targets of the investigation but instead were only assisting in the investigation into the various sports betting companies,” the lawyers wrote.Asked about the new allegation in an email Friday, Boles told the Des Moines Register that the other agents made those statements in depositions, which the lawyers have not publicly released. Boles did not name those investigators.”Several of the agents were told it was an action against DraftKings and (FanDuel) as (the agents) went about collecting the phones from the athletes,” he said.Expert casts doubt on Fourth Amendment claimOf the 26 athletes charged in the case, 19 pleaded guilty to underage gambling. A Story County prosecutor dropped charges against a former Iowa State defensive tight end after the prosecutor’s office missed a deadline to turn over a copy of the indictment against the athlete last fall.The prosecutor dropped charges against five former Iowa State athletes in March following the revelation that GeoComply, the provider of the Kibana software that DCI agents used, cut off investigators’ access to the tool in the wake of negative public reaction to the betting cases.A GeoComply employee wrote in a Jan. 25 email to the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission that the DCI agents “may have exceeded the intended and outlined scope of its Kibana access-and-use privileges.”GeoComply, which contracts with major sportsbooks to track the locations of their users, has not responded to multiple requests for comment from the Register, including an email Friday.Spokespeople for the Iowa Department of Public Safety and Attorney General Brenna Bird declined to comment on the lawsuit Friday.In March, after the Story County prosecutor dismissed charges because of the GeoComply news, DPS Commissioner Stephan Bayens defended the investigators, writing in a statement that, “Throughout the investigation, agents conferred with legal experts.”Internal emails the Register obtained through records requests show GeoComply employees encouraged DCI agents to use Kibana to investigate illegal sports betting. The company trained DCI agents multiple times in 2022, with GeoComply staff traveling to Des Moines for an in-person session in November of that year.The company worked with law enforcement agencies in other states, too. Emails revealed that GeoComply hosted monthly conference calls for police agencies, explaining how they could use the software to spot potentially illegal bets.GeoComply officials suggested that investigators look for bets in areas where gambling shouldn’t occur, such as in prisons or high schools.According to an internal memo from DCI Special Agent Brian Sanger, who led the sports betting probe, a GeoComply employee also coached Iowa officials on how to write regulations that would let the company turn over information without a warrant.GeoComply asked the gaming commission for permission before sharing Kibana with the DCI. After a call with Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Peterzalek in August 2022, then-Gaming Commission Director Brian Ohorilko told GeoComply they could give the tool to the DCI.Orin Kerr, a University of California, Berkekey, law professor and Fourth Amendment expert, told the Register that the DCI’s investigation did not appear to constitute an illegal search.Sports betting users agreed to let app providers such as DraftKings and FanDuel to share their location. The providers then agreed to give the data to GeoComply, which agreed to give the information to law enforcement.Kerr said Fourth Amendment disputes center on whether the government can take evidence that a person tries to keep private.Who’s suing whom?In addition to Dekkers, Lee, Shannon and Uwazurike, the plaintiffs in the lawsuit are:Iowa baseball players Keaton Anthony, Gehrig Christensen, Jacob Henderson, and Benjamin Tallman.Iowa wrestlers Abe Assad, Nelson Brands, Tony Cassioppi, Patrick Kennedy, Cullan Shriever and Cobe Siebrecht.Iowa football players Aaron Blom, Harry Bracy, Arland Bruce IV and Jack Johnson.Iowa State football players Jirehl Brock, Howard Brown, DeShawn Hanika, Jake Remsburg and Dodge Sauser.Ellsworth Community College baseball player Jake English.Iowa basketball player Ahron Ulis.Iowa State basketball player Jeremiah Williams.In addition to the state, the DPS and the DCI, the defendants are:Bayens, the DPS commissioner.Sanger, the DCI agent who led the investigation.DCI Director Paul Feddersen.Assistant DCI Director David Jobes.Troy Nelson, special agent in charge of the DCI’s Sports Wagering Unit.Tyler Jett is an investigative reporter for the Des Moines Register. Reach him at [email protected], 515-284-8215, or on Twitter at @LetsJett. He also accepts encrypted messages at [email protected].

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