Yoga is a very effective form of exercise.Our immune system is responsible to protect our body against any harmful diseases. Autoimmune diseases are a kind of medical condition in which the immunity system acts against the body’s tissues and cells. Our immune system is responsible to protect our body against any harmful diseases. With autoimmune diseases, the immunity system fails to recognise harmful substances and affects the body’s good cells and tissues. Yoga is a very effective form of exercise that can address various diseases and illnesses. Yoga also serves as a remarkable way to manage autoimmune disorders as it mainly promotes relaxation and stress reduction, while improving overall well-being. Here are some types of yoga practices that might help one combat autoimmune disorders:Cat/Cow Pose and Child Pose: These yoga poses mainly emphasise on stretching and relaxing the body, while reducing stress and tension. Deep Breathing Exercises: Deep breathing exercises are beneficial for people suffering from autoimmune diseases, as they help to regulate the nervous system.Meditation: Daily meditation can reduce stress and provide relaxation to the body resulting in overall well-beingYoga Nidra: It is a sleeping technique which is induced with proper meditation. This practice helps in reducing fatigue and promoting restorative sleep, which crucially helps to combat autoimmune disorders.Restorative Yoga: Restorative yoga poses like Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), Reclined Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana) With Support and Supported Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani) help in relaxing the body which is highly beneficial for people suffering from autoimmune disorders.Advantages of practising yoga everyday: Practice yoga poses that provide relaxation and flexibility to your body as they promote overall well being.Incorporate deep breathing exercises into your daily routine for proper stress management.Dedicate time to meditation as it reduces stress and promotes mental well-being.Practising yoga nidra helps in deep relaxation and getting proper sleep.Regular practice of restorative yoga poses also helps in muscle relaxation, which is highly beneficial for autoimmune disorders patients. By practising these yoga poses everyday, you can effectively manage autoimmune disorders, which will surely help to improve your overall quality of life. If needed, people suffering from the disorder should consult an expert before integrating these practices into their daily routine. Lifestyle DeskOur life needs a bit of style to get the perfect zing in the daily routine. News18 Lifestyle is one-stop destination for everything you need to know a…Read More

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