Lares Algotech aims to utilise its quant trading expertise by offering top-tier trading and risk management tools.The dual recognition also allows Lares Algotech to act as a complete stockbroker and provide a platform to institutional traders & retail investorsLares Algotech has got its National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) membership and obtained Sebi’s registration, allowing the company to act as a complete stockbroker. The dual recognition also allows Lares Algotech to provide a platform to institutional traders and retail investors.“With a decade of market presence, Lares solidified its credibility and successfully obtained regulatory approvals. This shows that it can act as a complete stockbroker. Now it can provide an innovative platform to institutional traders and retail investors,” Lares Algotech said in a statement.This dual recognition has strengthened Lares’s position. This enables them to venture into new market segments with well-established players, it added.The company aims to utilise its quant trading expertise by offering top-tier trading and risk management tools. These platforms will have robust security features, minimal latency and customisable strategies available through approved institutions.“This progress will benefit both Lares Algotech and its customers. The firm will gain access to a diverse range of products and services, all facilitated on a secure platform,” it added.The company said its unwavering focus on research and development ensures its algorithmic models continue to lead the industry. The firm invests heavily in improving its algorithms through incorporating the latest developments in AI and machine learning. What this means is that they offer clients state-of-the-art technology and efficient trading tools.It offers qualified professionals with extensive experience in finance, technology, prop desk management and algorithmic trading. Led by the visionary entrepreneur, Maya Sharan Singh, the company actively participates in industry forums. It contributes to research initiatives aimed at propelling the Indian capital market towards a data-driven future, it said.“With the recent approval of the NSE membership and the Sebi approval, the company is in a strong position to become an important player in the capital market in India,” Lares Algotech stated.Mohammad HarisHaris is Deputy News Editor (Business) at He writes on various issues related to markets, economy and companies. Having a decade of experi…Read More

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