Delhi police ask the citizens to avoid picking up calls from unknown numbers.A feedback call regarding the coronavirus vaccine enquired the citizens about doses and experience of the vaccination camp.With the advent of technology, the risk of cyber crimes has increased. From Phishing to identity theft, scammers are adopting new tactics every day and coming up with new techniques to cheat people of their money. Now, a new type of cyber fraud has been making the headlines. Many new cases have been filed at the cyber cells in Delhi. Feedback calling is a new way for people to save money. It is one of the basic facilities which the company provides and now the cyber scammers have found a way to extract money from the citizens. From online payment to credit and debit card payments, after availing of any facility online, companies and banks often call you and take feedback. Nowadays, due to cyber security, many banks have also made it mandatory to take feedback from the customer by calling the registered mobile phone before finalising any payment, so that no other person can cheat the customer of the money.Cybercriminals are now executing their deceitful tasks through this facility. A feedback call regarding the coronavirus vaccine enquired the citizens about doses and experience of the vaccination camp. You might have also given such feedback. Now, with the new technique by cyber fraudsters pressing one button can cause huge harm to you.Cyber expert Kislay Chaudhary associated with Delhi Police, says that this time, another cyber fraud has been introduced in the market of deceit. In this, an unknown call comes from any number. A girl reportedly asks you whether you have taken the Covid vaccine or not. If yes then press one otherwise press two. Usually, when people have got the vaccine, they immediately press the button for feedback and get trapped in the net of a scam.Kislay explains that the phone hangs as soon as you press one or two buttons. Cyber hackers get access to the bank account’s name and number. Many cases of fraud in the name of Covid vaccine have reached the police. Therefore, the police are now cautioning them to receive any unnecessary calls. Business DeskA team of writers and reporters decodes vast terms of personal finance and making money matters simpler for you. From latest initial public offerings …Read More

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