His persona is exactly the same in real life. When he accidentally spills some water on me, he apologises profusely. “Oh dear, I seem to have watered your hand.”He says etiquette used to be seen as “rules to belittle someone”. Whereas his approach is “just about being nice to someone and having self respect. And I think Gen Z are actually more into that, and are more socially liberal and relaxed than previous generations”.The pair say working together hasn’t taken a toll on their friendship. They have also learnt a lot from each other.”I make no secret I have learnt so much from William,” said North. “It might be when I meet new people, how to shake their hand properly, eye contact’s really important, how to remember people’s names as I’m always really terrible at them.”Meanwhile Hanson, for his part, credits Jordan with making him more easy-going, including towards the more salacious elements of their podcast.”I’m so much less uptight,” he said, before laughing. “I suppose that gives you a rough idea of how uptight I was in the first place.”Help I Sexted My Boss Live will be in cinemas across the UK & Ireland, plus select European cities, on Tuesday.

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