It’s a serpent among stuffies.

A venomous snake was caught napping on a child’s bed inside an Australian house as it tried to blend with the youngster’s stuffed animals, squirm-worthy footage shows.

The slithering encounter between the red-bellied black snake and a professional catcher took place Sunday morning in the town of Jimboomba.

A snake catcher handled the stealthy reptile on Sunday morning. Bryce Lockett via Storyful

The venomous snake made itself at home inside a child’s bedroom in an Australian house. Bryce Lockett via Storyful

Shocking video posted online by the company, Snake Catchers Brisbane & Gold Coast, showed worker Bryce Lockett lean over the bed, move a a cuddly toy out of the way and pick up the medium-sized snake near its tail.

“There he is,” Lockett said as the rest of the reptile’s body wriggled around.

Lockett then led the snake into a long enclosed net on the bedroom floor, slightly touching its tail to usher it in before the catcher and reptile were on their way.

Red-bellied black snakes are mostly seen on the east coast of Australia and — though venomous — are typically shy, only lashing out when they are harassed, according to the Australian Museum.

The snake was eventually led into a large net. Bryce Lockett via Storyful

Symptoms from a red-bellied black snake bite can include swelling at the bite mark, sweating, muscle pain, vomiting and diarrhea, according to the museum.

“Many bite victims experience only mild or negligible symptoms, however, a number also end up hospitalized,” the museum stated, though a bite rarely results in death.