Life insurance company Landmark Admin is sending notifications to an unknown number of individuals about a data breach impacting personal, medical, and insurance information.
Landmark Admin says it detected the incident on May 13 and found evidence that the attackers accessed specific files containing information such as names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, passport numbers, financial account numbers, tax identification numbers, medical information, health insurance policy numbers, and life and annuity policy information.
“Please note that the information above varies for each potentially impacted individual. Affected individuals will be notified by mail of information that was impacted,” the company said in an incident notice last week.
The Brownwood, Texas-based firm started notifying the impacted individuals roughly three weeks ago, and submitted copies of the notification letters to relevant authorities and regulatory bodies, including the Maine AGO and Massachusetts’ OCABR.
What Landmark has yet to disclose, however, is the number of potentially impacted individuals. According to the company, the investigation into the scope and extent of the data breach continues and it has yet to determine how many people might have been affected.
In the meantime, Landmark encourages the potentially impacted individuals to “remain vigilant against incidents of identity theft and fraud,” to review their account statements, and to monitor their credit reports for unauthorized activity.
At least one law firm announced that it was investigating the Landmark Admin regarding the data breach.
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