Trains launch will reduce overcrowding during summer holidays. — File Pakistan Railways has announced the launch of the “Summer Vacation Special Train” to accommodate the thousands travelling this summer.The train will run from Karachi to Rawalpindi from July 5 to July 30.”All the preparation to launch the train is already completed under the direction of Secretary of Railways Syed Mazhar Ali Shah,” the Ministry of Railways said in a statement.The initiative aims to provide relief to passengers and ensure a more comfortable journey.The special train (50-Dn) will depart from Karachi at 8:45pm and reach Rawalpindi the following morning at 10pm From Rawalpindi, the train will depart at 12:30pm and reach Karachi Cantt at 2:15pm the following day.During its journey, the train will stop at stations including Jhelum, Lalamusa, Gujrat, Wazirabad, Gujranwala, Lahore, Raiwind, Okara, Sahiwal, Khanewal, Bahawalpur, Khanpur, Rohri, and Hyderabad.Features in the train include two AC standard coaches, two AC business coaches, five economy class coaches, one brake van, and one power plant.As per the announcement, six additional economy-class coaches will join the special summer vacation train from Lahore.The introduction of the new train will alleviate some of the pressure from the already deteriorating transport system and offer a more convenient mode of transport for families and travellers.