This gives us a restriction on the number of the Presentation Context List elements. If set to maximum, 169, the returned size of the Presentation Result List is 4060 bytes, which, together with the prior contents of the response buffer, takes 4092 bytes. Assuming no error was returned, the vulnerable rpc__cn_assoc_process_auth_tlr() function, responsible for processing the request’s authentication trailer and filling in one for the response, is called next, with its header_size parameter set to 4092, and auth_len parameter set to 4096 – 4092 = 4. To reach the vulnerable part of the function, the following conditions must be met. First, the request’s auth_len must not be zero and the authentication trailer must not span beyond the beginning or the end of the packet. Second, RPC_CN_AUTH_CVT_ID_WIRE_TO_API() must not return an error. This function converts the authentication type taken from the packet into the internal representation; so, using a valid type, for example, 0x9 for SPNEGO, is sufficient to pass this check. Next, RPC_CN_AUTH_INQ_SUPPORTED() must return a positive result for the selected protocol. This function ensures the selected authentication type is supported by the runtime. Again, SPNEGO is allowed. After that, a call to the RPC_CN_AUTH_VFY_CLIENT_REQ() function, responsible for verifying the request’s authentication trailer, is made. This function is dynamic: the actual function being called depends on the selected authentication type. For SPNEGO, for example, it is rpc__gssauth_cn_vfy_client_req(). While this function does verify the authentication trailer, the credentials do not have to be valid, since an authentication rejection would also have to be placed in the response. Furthermore, for some protocols, for example, SPNEGO, multiple exchanges are necessary before completing credentials verification. Finally, the response authentication trailer is being filled in. To do so, 8 bytes (trailer without auth_value) are added to the header_size, setting it to 4092 + 8 = 4100 and leaving no place for the auth_value. When the remaining space is calculated, however, an unsigned subtraction of 4100 from the maximum response size (4096) is performed, resulting in a large positive value 0xfffffffc, which is later passed into the RPC_CN_AUTH_FMT_SRVR_RESP() function. Same as RPC_CN_AUTH_VFY_CLIENT_REQ(), this function is dynamic, and the actual function being called depends on the selected authentication type. Note, that the number of the Presentation Context List elements leading to a heap overflow is strictly 169: the upper bound has already been established above, and the lower bound can be determined from the fact that the resulting header_size is underflowing the maximum response packet size by only 4 bytes. Reducing the number of Presentation Context List elements even by one would cause the Presentation Result List to be 24 bytes less in length and, consequently, the header_size being 24 less, thus not leading to an underflow. A remote, unauthenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a crafted DCERPC packet to the target server. Successfully exploiting this vulnerability could lead to a heap buffer overflow, which could result in the execution of arbitrary code in the context of the vulnerable service. What follows is an explanation of how this vulnerability leads to a heap overflow, using the SPNEGO SRP authentication protocol as an example. For SPNEGO, the RPC_CN_AUTH_VFY_CLIENT_REQ() function call results in control being passed to the rpc__gssauth_cn_vfy_client_req() function. This function, in its turn, calls the gss_accept_sec_context() library function which returns an output_token containing a response auth_value. If any error occurs, the length of the output_token is set zero. This token is then saved into the krb_message field in the security context associated with the client. While for other protocols the token may be small, for SPNEGO SRP it contains, as described above, a large server’s public value. When, eventually, the RPC_CN_AUTH_FMT_SRVR_RESP() function is called, control is passed to the rpc__gssauth_cn_fmt_srvr_resp() function with auth_value_len pointing at a large positive value 0xfffffffc, and auth_value pointing at the end of the response buffer. This function is responsible for copying the contents of the krb_message field to the auth_value, but only if there is enough space. To ensure this, the function first compares the length of the krb_message to the value at auth_value_len. Given that auth_value_len points to a value resulting from an integer underflow, and the comparison is unsigned, this check always passes. Next, the krb_message’s contents are copied to auth_value, which, again, does not have any free space left. For SPNEGO SRP, which has a large response token in krb_message, this leads to heap buffer overflow and heap corruption. Generic Attack DetectionTo detect an attack exploiting this vulnerability, the detection device must monitor and parse traffic over ports 2012/TCP, 2014/TCP, and 2020/TCP (DCE/RPC). The detection device must monitor DCE/RPC traffic looking for the messages with Packet type set to Bind (RPC_C_CN_PKT_BIND, 0x0b) or Alter Context (RPC_C_CN_PKT_ALTER_CONTEXT, 0x0e). If found, the detection device should check the auth_len field to be greater than zero. If so, the Number of Context Elements (n_context_elem) byte must be inspected. If it is greater than or equal to 169, the traffic should be considered suspicious; an attack exploiting this vulnerability is likely underway. ConclusionThis vulnerability was patched by the vendor in June. At the time of the patch release, there was a fair amount of attention paid to this vulnerability. However, to date, there have been no attacks detected in the wild. As seen above, exploitation will not be straightforward. Still, this is a critical vulnerability and should be addressed by applying the vendor-supplied patch. If you are not able to apply the update, you can also filter malicious traffic using the information provided in the section entitled Attack Detection.Special thanks to Grigory Dorodnov and Guy Lederfein of the Trend Micro Research Team for providing such a thorough analysis of this vulnerability. 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