Well, that’s just bullocks!

Unisex police uniform trousers used in the United Kingdom aren’t exactly leaving officers chuffed to bits, with complaints ranging from squashed testicles to infections, according to the BBC. 

A small internal survey carried out last year by the Gwent Police Federation, a Welsh-based force, reported medical issues linked to the infernal pants, with men citing crushed testicles and women reporting thrush, a fungal infection, Belinda Goodwin of the Police Federation of England and Wales said, the BBC reported.

Unisex uniforms worn by Gwent Polcie are less than comfy, according to a recent survey. James Jiao – stock.adobe.com

“We’ve been aware of these issues surrounding unisex uniforms for quite a few years,” Goodwin said. “It’s almost like no one thought ‘oh actually, women are a different shape and size to men.”

The report led to a national police uniform and equipment survey by Lancaster University, with researchers determining the uniforms had evidence of poor workwear design that was “widespread across various emergency service occupations,” the BBC said.

Goodwin said she thought the unisex design was an “old-fashioned,” cost-effective measure,” the BBC said.

The survey, which was launched in July, according to Express UK, garnered mixed reactions, with some thinking the results were rubbish.

Benjamin Elks, of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, slammed the situation as “woke nonsense,” the Sun reported.

“This farce is a distraction for officers who should be out catching criminals,” Elks said. “Police forces should cut out waste and put bobbies on the beat.

Good uniforms are vital to good morale, Belinda Goodwin for the Police Federation of England and Wales said, the BBC reported. LIANG – stock.adobe.com

Goodwin did not share that sentiment, saying that having good uniforms was crucial to job morale, the BBC said.

“It’s about you feeling valued within your work,” Goodwin said. “It’s got a massive effect on your physical wellbeing but also your mental wellbeing.”

Goodwin reportedly said she hoped the results of the survey will allow for an increased uniform budget, and an improvement for male and female officers.