Bigg Boss 18 is set to premiere on October 5. (Photo Credit: Instagram)Dheeraj is currently seen in the telly series Rabb Se Hai Dua alongside Yesha Rughani and Seerat Kapoor.Bigg Boss, the Salman Khan-hosted controversial reality show, is all set to return with its 18th season on October 5. Recently, the makers released the first teaser of the new season, promising a thrilling ride packed with drama and unexpected twists. Amid the buzz, fans have been eagerly waiting to find the participants for this year. Among the many names, reports suggested that TV actor Dheeraj Dhoopar might be a contestant in BB18. However, a source revealed that the Kundali Bhagya fame actor will not enter the show and all reports suggesting the same were mere rumours.“No, he is not participating. Since he is already doing a show (Rabb Se Hai Dua). The reports may be false,” said a source close to the actor while talking to the Free Press Journal. Reports also claimed that Dheeraj could be the highest-paid contestant of this season. Replying to this, the source said, “No, those are just baseless, just PR stuff, nothing else.”Dheeraj is currently seen in the telly series Rabb Se Hai Dua alongside Yesha Rughani and Seerat Kapoor. Earlier, there were speculations about the show going off-air soon. Commenting on the same, a source close to the show told Free Press Journal, “As of now, the show is not going off air; however, it may go off air next month.”Apart from this, Dheeraj has also appeared in Sherdil Shergill, Saubhagyhavati Bhava, Sasural Simar Ka, Behenein, Kuch Toh Log Kahenge and others. He recently made his OTT debut with the web series Tatlubaaz opposite Nargis Fakhri.Meanwhile, talking about Bigg Boss 18, the first teaser of the show introduced the theme of the upcoming season as ‘Time Ka Tandav’ promising high drama and suspense.Apart from Dheeraj, other speculated contestants for Bigg Boss 18 are Nia Sharma, Zaan Khan, Meera Deosthale, Surbhi Jyoti, Kanika Mann, Shaheer Sheikh, Sameera Reddy, Deepika Arya, Somy Ali, Anjali Anand, Arjun Bijlani and Mansi Srivastava. However, an official confirmation from the makers is still awaited.Shreyanka MazumdarShreyanka Mazumdar is Chief Sub Editor of the entertainment team at News18. With an unbridled passion for all things Bollywood, she loves deep-diving …Read More