Master of PwnNo Pwn2Own contest would be complete without crowning a Master of Pwn, which signifies the overall winner of the competition. Earning the title results in a slick trophy, a different sort of wearable, and brings with it an additional 65,000 ZDI reward points (instant Platinum status in 2026).For those not familiar with how it works, points are accumulated for each successful attempt. While only the first demonstration in a category wins the full cash award, each successful entry claims the full number of Master of Pwn points. Since the order of attempts is determined by a random draw, those who receive later slots can still claim the Master of Pwn title – even if they earn a lower cash payout. As with previous contests, there are penalties for withdrawing from an attempt once you register for it. If the contestant decides to remove an Add-on Bonus during their attempt, the Master of Pwn points for that Add-on Bonus will be deducted from the final point total for that attempt. The Complete DetailsThe full set of rules for Pwn2Own Automotive 2025 can be found here. They may be changed at any time without notice. We highly encourage potential entrants to read the rules thoroughly and completely should they choose to participate. We also encourage contestants to read this blog covering what to expect when participating in Pwn2Own.Registration is required to ensure we have sufficient resources on hand at the event. Please contact ZDI at [email protected] to begin the registration process. (Email only, please; queries via social media, blog post, or other means will not be acknowledged or answered.) If we receive more than one registration for any category, we’ll hold a random drawing the day before the contest to determine the contest order. Registration closes at 5:00 p.m. Japanese Standard Time on January 16, 2025.The ResultsWe’ll be blogging and tweeting results in real-time throughout the competition. Be sure to keep an eye on the blog for the latest information. We’ll also be posting live results on Twitter, Mastodon, LinkedIn, and Bluesky, so follow us on your favorite social platform for the latest news, and keep an eye on the #P2OAuto hashtag for continuing coverage. We look forward to seeing everyone in Tokyo, and we look forward to seeing what new exploits and attack techniques they bring with them.With special thanks to our Pwn2Own Automotive 2025 partners, Tesla, for providing their assistance and technology. Thanks also to the researchers from VicOne for their guidance and recommendations.